Please note that it is not necessary to chant the Liturgy of the Hours, it can be silently prayed or verbally spoken, however, many like to chant the Liturgy of the Hours finding that chanting it helps them to recall lines from the Psalms that can be meditated upon during the day while doing ones work.
It takes a little time to learn how to chant the Liturgy of the Hours so be patient~ the more often you listen to the chant, the more familiar it becomes- just pray along in your heart at first and as you get accustomed to the chant you can begin to join in, some just begin by humming along with the chant to get to know it before beginning to chant the words.
One can listen to the Liturgy of the Hours and join in quietly from the heart with eyes closed while lying in bed or reclining in a chair on days when one is ill~ if you fall asleep while listening to it then know that your sleep is the prayer desired by Jesus in that moment.
Online Brieviary selection
Gregorian Chant for Liturgy of the Hours
A resource for chanting the Liturgy...
Liturgy of the Hours podcast Spotify
This particular version sings the Glory be in Latin but the rest is in English.